What's the difference between coaching and strategic hypnotherapy?

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Our approach to both is focused on the individual and their future goals. Whilst a person’s past does have a bearing on their present and future, we do not dwell in the past, but look to move from the present forwards.

What is Coaching?

The International Coaching Federation (ICF), on their website, defines coaching as:

“…partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership.”

Suitable for

  • Goal setting and continuous, incremental change to achieve those goals.
  • Long-term goals: significant life transitions, such as preparing for retirement, dealing with redundancy, overcoming health impacts
  • Medium-term goals: significant life decisions, such as career changes, location changes, education choices, lifestyle choices
  • Short-term goals: such as preparation for a practical outcome, such as presentation, job interviews, decision-making
  • Understanding values and beliefs
  • Identifying meaning and purpose in life

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What is Strategic Hypnotherapy?

This employs the principles of Strategic Psychotherapy 

  • Brief therapy
  • Client-centred
  • Problem-oriented
  • Future focussed 
  • Therapist led

Michael Yapko, a psychologist and hypnotherapist offers in his book, Trancework, what he considered to be an imperfect definition of hypnosis: 

“…is a focused experience of attentional absorption that invites people to respond experientially on multiple levels in order to amplify and utilise their personal resources in a goal directed fashion. When employed in the clinical context, hypnosis involves paying greater attention to the essential skills of using words and gestures in particular ways to achieve specific therapeutic outcomes, acknowledging and utilising the many complex personal, interpersonal, and contextual factors that combine in varying degrees to influence client responsiveness.”

Suitable for

  • Anxiety: general or specific, such as social, dental or needle phobia
  • Addictions: smoking, drugs or weight loss
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Pain management
  • Low self-esteem

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Discover Hypnotherapy session