If that or any of the other questions applies to you, then a course of hypnotherapy will help you to create a better you.
After an initial discussion of how you experience the issue, a tailored intervention will be developed and delivered to you over the course of four or five sessions.
This process will help you to consider alternative ways of thinking and allows you to work out what is really important to you. Different strategies can be developed so that your brain doesn’t simply follow the paths it has always taken.
By considering what cigarettes do for you and why they seem so important, it is possible to reframe your relationship with them and develop the knowledge of the benefits of not smoking that are important to you.
This is all part of the path to get you more of the life you want.
Take the first step today by booking a Discover Hypnotherapy session. It’s free, there’s no obligation to sign-up to any sessions, and it will take about 30-45 minutes.
Learn about the difference between coaching and hypnotherapy